Image Reproductions

Image Reproductions

Please allow ample time before your publication date when requesting images. Images may not be readily available for all works in the Collection, and in these cases photography will need to be arranged. You will be advised as soon as possible if this is the case. The type of digital file supplied will depend on the intended use.


Reproduction fees apply in most circumstances. These fees depend on the nature and print run of the publication or product but generally the supply of a high-resolution digital file starts at $80 per image plus GST. These fees support the Gallery.


Images of artworks in our online Collection may be used only for private research and study and other exceptions as defined by section 40 of the Copyright Act 1968 without asking for specific permission.

All other uses require Gallery permission and permission of the copyright holder. Where possible the Gallery will assist with contact details. However, it is your responsibility to gain permission from the copyright holder before reproducing artworks from the Gallery's Collection.

For more information about copyright, contact the Australian Copyright Council.

Orders And Inquiries

To order images for reproduction, or to obtain a quote, complete and sign the below reproduction form with details of your publication and post or email it to

Once your request has been received, you will be contacted to confirm costs and arrange images. It may take two to four weeks for your order to be processed, depending on the nature of the request (longer if photography is required). You will be advised of any delays as soon as possible.

Mavis Ngallametta, Australia 1944-2019 / Wutan #2 (detail) 2014 / Natural pigments and charcoal with acrylic binder on linen primed in synthetic polymer paint / 272 x 200cm / Purchased 2015 with funds from Cathryn Mittelheuser AM through the Queensland Art Gallery | Gallery of Modern Art Foundation / Collection: Queensland Art Gallery | Gallery of Modern Art / © The estate of Mavis Ngallametta

Mavis Ngallametta, Australia 1944-2019 / Wutan #2 (detail) 2014 / Natural pigments and charcoal with acrylic binder on linen primed in synthetic polymer paint / 272 x 200cm / Purchased 2015 with funds from Cathryn Mittelheuser AM through the Queensland Art Gallery | Gallery of Modern Art Foundation / Collection: Queensland Art Gallery | Gallery of Modern Art / © The estate of Mavis Ngallametta / View full image

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