The Place Beyond the Pines 2012 MA15+

1.30 pm, Sun 7 Mar 2021 (140 mins)About
'Ryan Gosling, the white knight of Drive, turns dark destroyer in Derek Cianfrance's stylish, wandering crime drama. Gosling plays Luke, a motorbike stuntman, riding the Cage of Death at carnivals across New York state. Off the bike he's quiet, soulful, good with kids. He wears a distinctive leather jacket, has a grizzled mechanic as his confidant and drives to relax and forget. Fans of Nicolas Winding Refn's ultra-violent fairy tale may find all this a bit familiar. Then, with a high-pitched howl, Cianfrance yanks the Danish director's chain clean off. Luke learns he has a son by his ex, Romina (Eva Mendes) and, keen to play poppa, decides to provide for them by robbing banks in spectacularly violent style.' The Guardian
Production Credits
- Director /Script: Derek Cianfrance
- Cinematographer: Sean Bobbitt
- Editors: Ron Patane, Jim Helton
- Stunt Coordinators: Bobby Beckles, Austin Steady, Bill Anagnos
- Production Companies: Verisimilitude, Sidney Kimmel Entertainment, Electric City Entertainment
- Print Source: Roadshow Films
- Rights: Roadshow Films
- Screening Format: Digital, 35mm
- Year: 2012
- Runtime: 140 minutes
- Country: USA
- Language: English
- Sound: Stereo
- Colour: Colour