My Survival as an Aboriginal 1978 Ages 15+

1.30 pm, Sat 7 Jan 2017 (51 mins)Where
Gallery of Modern Art & Cinema A
My Survival as an Aboriginal was the first Australian film directed by an Indigenous woman. Muruwarri filmmaker Essie Coffey documents the hardships and prejudice endured by indigenous Australians as a result of assimilation policies. In her lifetime, Coffey (affectionately known as 'Bush Queen') witnessed Indigenous Australians forced into settlements such as 'Dodge City' – the North-West New South Wales reserve featured in the documentary which is Coffey's home in the North-West New South Wales region of Brewarrina. Coffey addresses the impact on culture and wellbeing that dislocation from land has on the local community.
Ages 15+
Production Credits
- Director: Essie Coffey
- Producer: Alec Morgan
- Cinematographer: Martha Ansara
- Editor: Kit Guyatt
- Production Company: Goodgaban Productions
- Print Source: National Film and Sound Archive of Australia, Canberra
- Rights: Ballad Films
- Year: 1978
- Runtime: 51 minutes
- Country: Australia
- Language: English
- Sound: Mono
- Colour: Colour
- Screening Format: 16mm