アウトレイジ (Outrage) 2010 MA15+

Production still from Outrage 2010 / Director: Takeshi Kitano / Image courtesy: Tamasa Distribution / View full image
6.30 pm, Fri 31 Jul 2015 (109 mins)Where
Gallery of Modern Art & Cinema A
'Legendary director Takeshi Kitano returns to the Yakuza genre he has made his own, starring as Otomo, a Yakuza subordinate ordered to bring a rival crime gang into line. But as Otomo's intervention triggers a vicious cycle of retribution, hidden agendas and questionable motives pull all sides into a downward spiral of doublecrosses and reprisals. A blackly comic miracle of confronting violence that distils the Yakuza genre down to its essence - greed, fear and power - the stylish and gruesome Outrage is a tremendous return to form for the hallowed Kitano.' Melbourne International Film Festival
MA15+ | Strong violence and sex scene
Production Credits
- Director: Takeshi Kitano
- Script: Takeshi Kitano
- Cinematographer: Katsumi Yanagishima
- Editors: Takeshi Kitano, Yoshinori Ota
- Print Source: Tamasa Distribution
- Rights: Tamasa Distribution
- Year: 2010
- Runtime: 109 minutes
- Country: Japan
- Languages: Japanese, English
- Subtitles: English
- Colour: Colour
- Shooting Format: 35mm
- Screening Format: 35mm