Animation Shorts: In Space and Time 1971 – 2018 All Ages

Production still from Pleasure Domes 1987 / Director: Maggie Fooke / Image courtesy: National Film and Sound Archive of Australia, Canberra / View full image
12.00 pm, Sun 9 Jan 2022 (67 mins)About
Pleasure Domes 1987
"Pleasure Domes (1988, Maggie Fooke) is a reflection upon man-made impositions upon the landscape from Nice to St. Kilda Esplanade." National Film and Sound Archive of Australia, Canberra
8 minutes | All Ages
The National Geographic Magazine 1971
"In "The National Geographic Magazine via the movie camera of Michael Lee" the filmmaker processes images from 1930's editions of the magazine using a hand wound 16mm Bolex camera, by manipulating the aperture, the focus, the zoom lens, by panning and by multiple exposures of the film." Michael Lee
12 minutes | All Ages
Space Time Structures 1977
"Visual and aural analysis of both space and time. The film comprises a series of animated drawings filmed in black and white then coloured by filtering processes on an optical printer. A film by Melbourne painter Jonas Balsaitis with music made by Australian artists Asher Bilu, Mike Brown and John Mathews." National Film and Sound Archive of Australia, Canberra
33 minutes | All Ages
Death of Place (Annotated) 2018
"An abstract film that accumulates 16mm images from my archive. All images have been produced with analogue effects. Apart from transferring to digital with my JK optical printer all interventions to the image are material. What invisible language rises to the surface when images become unlocatable.
In this latest iteration, this work is further wrapped in found footage from the Russian Revolution, home movies, the utterings of Marshall McLuhan and Vilém Flusser, and annotated in ways that extend its word-play with a renewed emphasis on the crash that ends the film." Dirk De Bruyn
14 minutes | All Ages
Production Credits
Pleasure Domes
- Director: Maggie Fooke
- Animator: Maggie Fooke
- Producers: The Swinburne Film & Television School, John Bird, David Atkinson
- Print Source: National Film and Sound Archive of Australia, Canberra
- Rights: National Film and Sound Archive of Australia, Canberra
- Year: 1987
- Runtime: 8 minutes
- Country: Australia
- Language: English
- Sound: Mono
- Colour: Colour
- Shooting Format: 16mm
- Screening Format: 16mm
- Animation Technique: Hand-painted Animation
The National Geographic Magazine
- Director: Michael Lee
- Animator: Michael Lee
- Print Source: Michael Lee
- Rights: Michael Lee
- Year: 1971
- Runtime: 12 minutes
- Country: Australia
- Language: English
- Sound: Silent
- Colour: Colour
- Shooting Format: 16mm
- Screening Format: 16mm
- Animation Technique: Stop Motion (Cut-Out) Animation
Space Time Structures
- Director: Jonas Balsaitis
- Animator: Jonas Balsaitis
- Music: Asher Bilu, Mike Brown, John Mathews
- Print Source: National Film and Sound Archive of Australia, Canberra
- Rights: National Film and Sound Archive of Australia, Canberra
- Year: 1977
- Runtime: 33 minutes
- Country: Australia
- Language: English
- Sound: Mono
- Colour: Colour
- Shooting Format: 16mm
- Screening Format: 16mm
- Animation Technique: Hand-painted Animation
Death of Place (Annotated)
- Director: Dirk de Bruyn
- Producer: Dirk de Bruyn
- Animator: Dirk de Bruyn
- Print Source: Dirk de Bruyn
- Rights: Dirk de Bruyn
- Year: 2018
- Runtime: 14 minutes
- Country: Australia
- Language: English
- Sound: Stereo
- Colour: Colour
- Shooting Format: Digital
- Screening Format: DCP
- Animation Technique: Reworked and Scratched Film Animation