Animation Shorts: Into the Fray Ages 15+

Production still from The Journey 1995 / Director: Robert Gudan / Image courtesy: Robert Gudan / View full image
7.45 pm, Wed 12 Jan 2022 (49 mins)Where
Gallery of Modern Art & Cinema A
Air 2000 dir. Tim Adlide (6:40 mins)
"Nick is drowning in the pressures of parenthood. His old friend Bob wants to help him. But what can mates do? Sometimes all that is needed is a little air." National Film and Sound Archive, Canberra
Shelf Life 1992 dir. Andrew Horne (15 mins)
"Shelf Life is an affectionate look at George Akindoni, the proprietor of an old style corner grocery store - a species whose use-by date has arrived. It follows George through the course of what starts out as a normal day, as he tries to understand the changes to his world and comes to the final realisation that everything has an expiry date." The Screen Guide
Still Flying 1989 dir. Robert Stephenson (8:38 mins)
"An elderly man who has had too much to drink sits in and pub drifts into his past. As he struggles with the living in the present day, he fades away taking his memories with him." Robert Stephenson
Crust 1987 dir. John E. Hughes (5:14 mins)
"Crust is the second in a two-part series of short films by John E Hughes (AKA Hobart Hughes) The first part being Germ of an Idea. In Crust the protagonists are seated at the kitchen table arguing over a broken biscuit. Evenrude (voiced by Bruce Currie) resembles a medieval knight with a propeller head, the other figure (voiced by John E Hughes AKA Hobart Hughes) has a head of an old football. Each figure sees a fish circling in space. But the nature and reality of the fish differs greatly for each there’s no sure way to know what the other understands." John E. Hughes
The Journey 1995 dir. Robert Gudan (5 mins)
"In a dark netherworld, adrift on an endless gravel ocean, an old man in a rowboat is waiting…The Journey is a psychological and spiritual quest undertaken by a symbolic 'everyman', and is told through three metaphorical vignettes which span the character's life." Robert Gudan
Puppenhead 1990 dir. David Cox (7:25 mins)
"A brilliantly realised nightmare in striking German expressionist style that combines robotic figures worthy of Terminator with a story about a puppet-maker in Berlin in 1934. Features Melbourne actor and broadcaster John Flaus." The Screen Guide
Ages 15+
Production Credits
- Directors: Tim Adlid, Andrew Horn, Robert Stephenso, John E. Hughe, Robert Guda, David Cox
- Runtime: 49 minutes